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C3Speech uses proven techniques to help you communicate with clarity, and emotion so you can achieve your professional and personal goals. 

C3Speech gives you the tools you need to develop your communication style


C3Speech was founded in 2016 to work with international and technical founders, executives, and professionals to help them articulate their value, connect with others, socialize and enjoy communication. 


I spent many years working as a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist but I wanted to reach higher and connect with more people. That is when I started on the path of entrepreneurship. My love for cultures was inspired by my Italian grandparents and by growing up in the most diverse city in the United States, New York City.

After years of working with founders, students and business professionals I saw first hand who was getting noticed and why. Communicating concisely, with emotion, adding in your story, speaking with clarity and using a voice that aligned with leadership, empathy and trust got the best feedback. 

I'm proud to say that C3Speech has helped hundreds of international speakers transform their voice, clarity of speech and accent, craft pitches that have resulted in funding, and presentations that led to promotions. I hope to have a chance to meet you, work with you and help you use communication as a tool for what you want to achieve! 

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Communication is about relationships. Human connection, connection to colleagues in our offices or virtually. We need to take the burden off the listener and help them understand what we are conveying. Learn clear techniques to create messages with impact, so you can express yourself in a way that is truly you and meets your goal. 



Global professionals often worry about how they sound as much as what they say. Clarity is key whether you are working on accent reduction, confident voice or tone. When you lack certain vocal and speech elements, your message might not align with your intention, resulting in frustration. Learn proven techniques that will continue to improve long after you complete the program. 

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Culture impacts personal style, and beliefs about communication. It impacts how we listen and how we use our voice. Yet too often culture is not a factor when preparing to present to certain audience. The result is misunderstanding. Learn to become a more flexible thinker and communicator with diverse cultural audiences. 



Skills from different packages are often combined to form a holistic approach to communication highlighting your personal style. 

Individual Programs

Startup Programs



I started working with Lisa to improve my personal communication and pitch skills and I was so impressed by her expertise that I also recruited her for a project I’m doing that deals with speech recognition. She offered a great service and customer experience in both areas. She is knowledgeable, result oriented and able to address the core of the problem strategically and effectively. All of this is accompanied with a great personality and human skills.

Book a goal setting session

Fill the form below and book your 30 minute complimentary session so C3Speech can learn more about your communication needs. 

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